Justice and Community
When we think about justice, for better or for worse, we often think of a handful of people and spaces whose responsibility it is to provide that for us. We think of the police, the courts, the government, the infrastructure that builds up the thing we call the ‘justice system’. It’s in the name, we think, and therefore we’re expected to get that thing there. It doesn’t matter whether we don’t trust those people or spaces, or whether we have a complicated relationship with them, or even if we don’t have the same access as others. That’s where justice is, and we have to find our way there or, as the Trinis would say ‘crapeau smoke yuh pipe’.
The issue is, though, that for many people, that’s not at all where justice lives. And, even more importantly, it’s not the same place as where the people who need it live. And that’s a problem.
Stepping Back, Stepping Forward
The end of the last decade has been one of tremendous growth and opportunity for me. It’s also been a time of great introspection on my personal values, the things that I want to accomplish personally and professionally, and creating the life and family that I want to grow old and pass on with. So it’s only fitting that, as I walk into this new decade of my life, that I develop a special vision for 2020 (sorry, I just had to).